We provide monthly support to the Edenton-Chowan Food Pantry. We post the item they are requesting as the most needed items for each month, in our bulletin examples: cereal, pasta, peanut butter, jelly, hamburger helper, mac n cheese, jello and canned meat (tuna, beef stew, chili with meat), fruit, soup, vegetables, and pasta sauce. Items are collected in a basket by the entrance and the delivered to the pantry.
In the near future, we will begin collecting specific items for Book Bag Buddies, Weekend Grub & the Children's Summer Nutrition Programs
Many children participate in free and reduced food programs through school systems, however, these programs only operate Monday-Friday. Backpack programs like Book Bag Buddies & Weekend Grub are able to provide two breakfasts and two lunches to help children return to school on Monday morning ready to learn.
Backpacks are filled with nutritious, kid-friendly food that is distributed to children to take home on the weekend. These 3 programs are designed to ensure children that might go without have access to healthy food over the weekend & summer.